Pulsar Music Player Pro 1.7.6 Mod Apk Download Apps

Pulsar Music Player Pro 1.7.6 Mod Apk Download Apps

Pulsar Music Player Pro 1.7.6 Mod Apk Download Apps

Free direct download last version Pulsar Music Player Pro Apk Android from Rexel. Pulsar is the intuitive, lightweight and full-featured music player for Android.


✓ Gorgeous user interface and animation with material design.
✓ Manage and play music by album, artist, folder, and genre.
✓ Automatically download and display album cover and artist image.
✓ Smart playlists with most played recently played and newly added tracks.
✓ Fast search across albums, artists, and songs.
✓ Gapless playback support.
✓ 5-band Equalizer controller.
✓ Bass booster and reverb settings.
✓ Built-in tag editor.
✓ Chromecast support.
✓ Last.fm scrobbling.
✓ Various colorful themes.
✓ Sleep timer and more.

Pulsar Music Player Pro 1.7.6 Mod Apk Download Apps

Pulsar support standard music file types including mp3, aac, FLAC, Ogg, Wav and etc.
If you cannot find your music in Pulsar, please click “rescan library” menu item from action bar to rescan device.

Install APK on Your Android Phone

First, you need to install the APK file on your android phone. In order to do that, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Download the APK file in your phone’s SDcard or Internal memory (preferably external SDcard).
  2. Browse your phone memory/external memory and tap on the APK file.
  3. Click ‘install’
  4. Wait for the APK to install.

Download Button


Version 1.7.6
✓ Display total playback time in each detail page.
✓ Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 1.7.5
✓ Support playback speed adjustment on Android 6.0+, in now playing page.
✓ If you do not need speed adjustment feature, you can hide it from the action bar.
✓ Keep screen on while casting to Chromecast. Fix the casting halt problem after some songs.
✓ If you have casting halt problem, please do not turn the screen off while casting.

The post Pulsar Music Player Pro 1.7.6 Mod Apk Download Apps appeared first on Picsartpng.

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