careful! Whatsapp message can freeze or crash your phone

Whatsapp Black Dot Message Crash Phone

Recently I received a message on Whatsapp, which taped my Whitespace hang on. I was surprised to see this and when I started to explore more about this, then I came to know some things that I am going to share with you today.

Whatever messages and media you share on WhatsApp, they are protected from end-to-end encryption.

But still, some bugs make their way into this app. Whatsapp is now affected by two bugs that can crash this app, or even the phone’s phone even completely crashes.

We blindly believe that everything is safe in WhatsApp. But now it is not so and now it’s time to prepare themselves for this threat.

Nowadays, a simple-looking message is flowing through your WhatsApp, which is capable of hanging your smartphone.

A new forward message is trending on WhatsApp. Whenever a recipient taps on this message, the WhatsApp freeze or the phones of many users stop working.

This latest spam message starts with “black dot” or “boll” and ends with “do not touch here”.

This message says that “If you touch the black point then your WhatsApp will hang” or “If you touch the boll then your mobile will hang” and this message is written “do not touch here” below.

Why does this Whatsapp message hang on my smartphone?

As you have seen in this image, there is no emoji here, which is taped and the smartphone hangs out.

Actually, this message contains hidden characters (about two thousand), which block the use of the application once selected and in the worst case, the whole smartphone

In this latest Powerful smartphone, the message hangs up for just a few seconds as a messaging app. In such a way, WhatsApp has to close and close the force again. But if you have an old smartphone, you’ll have to face a total lock on your device.

This problem is due to the invisible Unicode character, which is generally used to indicate that the text should be displayed from left to right or left to right; In these characters languages like Hebrew or Arabic are usually used.

There is no problem with these characters in their own right, but Android is capable of handling the same character once without the problem.

This bug is created when a strange combination of these characters changes the orientation of the text repeatedly and hundreds of times. Android is capable of displaying these messages without any problems, but the crash is due to the engine that handles the selection of text.

Tapping anywhere on such a message will crash the app (or smartphone) and text selection will be active.

How to unlock your smartphone or prevent it from being locked?

This bug only blocks the whitespace on most modern and powerful smartphones (or in which application you receive this message) and you just have to close this application manually.

If your entire smartphone is locked, you will need to restart it by pressing the power button for a few seconds.

To avoid the problem simply do not click on such messages and delete it immediately.

The post careful! Whatsapp message can freeze or crash your phone appeared first on Ritesh Creation.

from Ritesh Creation
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